The behavior of investors is often opaque to founders
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Argument #b62820ae 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Fundraising is hard because it's intrinsically difficult to convince people to part with large sums of money 1 0 2and
The behavior of investors is often opaque to founders 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup 1 0 2Mentions
Paul Graham/How to Raise Money
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Related Propositions
Investors are pinched between two kinds of fear: fear of investing in startups that fizzle, and fear of missing out on startups that take off 1 0 2Startups raising money occasionally alienate investors by seeming arrogant 1 0 2Good investors don't lead startups on; their reputations are too valuable 1 0 2Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of lame investors first, to get the bugs out of their pitch 1 0 2Some investors may lack numeracy skills or believe they cannot predict startup outcomes 1 0 2Founders have a moral obligation to respond promptly to clean offers from investors 1 0 2Founders should inform investors about smaller investments as they raise them 1 0 2Investors may pressure founders to stop raising money until they commit to them 1 0 2Investors may not understand your startup even if users love it 1 0 1VCs and C-level execs often lack understanding of how founders should run companies 0 0 2