Alzheimer's disease is analogous to the situation confronted by the developing chicken embryo or the rat or human fetus, when the environment is unable to meet the needs of highly energetic, demanding and sensitive brain cells
1 Argument
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2 Mentions
Argument #261296d3 1 0 2
If it is true that...
The size, complexity, and intelligence of the brain represents a very large part of the "information" contained in the organism 1 0 2and
The ability to realize this potential, to create this complexity, comes from the support of the environment 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Alzheimer's disease is analogous to the situation confronted by the developing chicken embryo or the rat or human fetus, when the environment is unable to meet the needs of highly energetic, demanding and sensitive brain cells 1 0 2Opposing Arguments
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Argument #af3aec32 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Alzheimer's disease is analogous to the situation confronted by the developing chicken embryo or the rat or human fetus, when the environment is unable to meet the needs of highly energetic, demanding and sensitive brain cells 1 0 2and
The environment can be supportive, but it can also divert development from an optimal course 1 0 3Then it must be true that...
Choosing intelligently from possible diets and selecting courses of action will create pattern and reduce entropy 1 0 2Mentions
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