Startups do not need to be introduced to investors before talking to them
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Startups often require funding from investors 1 0 2Startups should approach venture capital firms before they run out of money 1 0 2Investors are more interested in the people behind a startup than the ideas themselves 1 0 2Finding investors is hard for startups 1 0 1Investors can't wait around if a startup is growing fast 1 0 2Before talking to investors, startups need to be introduced to them 1 0 2The amount a startup should raise depends on the startup's needs, not on the amount investors are willing to invest 1 0 2Introducing an investor to your cofounders should only occur when things reach a certain stage of seriousness 1 0 2Good investors don't lead startups on; their reputations are too valuable 1 0 2Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of lame investors first, to get the bugs out of their pitch 1 0 2