Historically, debunking a claim only required checking citations 1-3 levels deep
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Argument #3e137e4b 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Determined fabricators usually cannot achieve "epistemic closure" 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Historically, debunking a claim only required checking citations 1-3 levels deep 0 0 0Opposing Arguments
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Historically, it was usually not that hard to debunk or find the small grain of truth behind a claim 0 0 1Determined fabricators usually cannot fake entire journals or articles or authors or websites recursively 0 0 1Historically, debunking a claim usually only required checking citations 1-3 levels deep 0 0 1At the edge of their citation graph, determined fabricators are forced to either make up the claim without citation/sourcing or risk a miscitation by misattributing it to an innocent real source 0 0 1With generative models, it will become entirely possible to close the loops on fabricated claims and their citations 0 0 1Once the loops on fabricated claims and citations are closed, the fact-checker is in serious trouble 0 0 1Once the loops on fabricated claims and citations are closed, it is no longer enough to simply trace a few citations from the comfort of one's computer 0 0 1Once the loops on fabricated claims and citations are closed, one may have to start doing real-world things to establish that authors didn’t exist or the events did not happen 0 0 1Doing real-world things to establish that authors didn't exist or the events did not happen is both a lot of work and itself highly unreliable 0 0 1Once the loops on fabricated claims and citations are closed, the fake world will start influencing all future generations 0 0 1