It would have been a great argument for anti-Christians to claim that Jesus never existed
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Jesus Christ existed as a man 1 0 2Historical evidence contradicts the Quran's claim that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed 1 0 2Jesus Christ existed 0 0 2The natural explanation of the alleged witnesses lying or conspiring about Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances is false 0 0 1The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false 0 0 1The historical existence of Jesus is quite certain 1 0 1It is surprising to have certainty of any Judean's existence around Jesus's time 0 0 1We lack any contemporary anti-Christian sources that claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1It would have been a great argument for contemporary anti-Christians to claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1If Jesus existed, one would expect contemporary Jewish sources to deride Him and call Him a lunatic 0 0 1