The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false
1 Argument
0 Citations
4 Consequences
1 Mention
Argument #76ceef6a 0 0 1
If it is true that...
Jesus Christ died of asphyxiation 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false 0 0 1Opposing Arguments
No opposing arguments found
No citations found
Argument #2c1ac127 0 0 0
If it is true that...
The post-mortem sightings of Jesus Christ could not have been the product of hallucination 0 0 1and
The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
The most likely natural explanations of Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances are false 0 0 1Argument #9385ef2b 0 0 1
If it is true that...
The post-mortem sightings of Jesus Christ could not have been the product of hallucination 0 0 1and
Natural explanations should be given primary reference over supernatural explanations 0 0 1and
The natural explanation of the alleged witnesses lying or conspiring about Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances is false 0 0 1and
The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
The most likely natural explanations of Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances are false 0 0 1Argument #b510dd1d 0 0 0
If it is true that...
The post-mortem sightings of Jesus Christ could not have been the product of hallucination 0 0 1and
The natural explanation of the alleged witnesses lying or conspiring about Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances is false 0 0 1and
The natural explanation of Jesus Christ recovering miraculously and appearing post-mortem is false 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
The most likely natural explanations of Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances are false 0 0 1Mentions
Related Propositions
Jesus Christ was resurrected 2 0 5Jesus was resurrected 0 0 1Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after his death 1 0 2Christ assumed a real body, not an apparent body 1 0 2The best explanation for these facts is the resurrection of Christ 1 0 2Jesus Christ existed 0 0 2The post-mortem sightings of Jesus Christ could not have been the product of hallucination 0 0 1The natural explanation of the alleged witnesses lying or conspiring about Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances is false 0 0 1The most likely natural explanations of Jesus Christ's post-mortem appearances are false 0 0 1It would have been a great argument for contemporary anti-Christians to claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1