Man should do what God commands
1 Argument
0 Citations
4 Consequences
1 Mention
Argument #0c753991 0 0 1
If it is true that...
Catholicism is true 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Man should do what God commands 0 0 1Opposing Arguments
No opposing arguments found
No citations found
Argument #4854db2c 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Thou shalt not kill 0 0 2and
Man should do what God commands 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Thou shalt not kill 0 0 2Argument #67f2a80a 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Man should do what God commands 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Murder is immoral 0 0 1Argument #a22e5048 0 0 1
If it is true that...
Thou shalt not kill 0 0 2and
Man should do what God commands 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Murder is immoral 0 0 1Argument #fe6a2011 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Honor thy father and thy mother 0 0 1and
Man should do what God commands 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Honor thy father and thy mother 0 0 1Mentions
No mentions found
Related Propositions
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