Sugar, salt, and carbon dioxide are not layers of control in the body
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Stimulation by estrogen doesn't produce the normal amount of carbon dioxide, leading to tissue experiencing oxygen deprivation, swelling, and cell division 1 0 2Hyperventilation is common in sleep and shock, sometimes producing extreme vasoconstriction due to the loss of carbon dioxide 1 0 2Carbohydrate and salty foods lower adrenalin and cortisol, and help to maintain the volume and fluidity of blood 1 0 2Thyroid maintains adequate carbon dioxide, improving the blood levels of salt, glucose, and adrenalin 1 0 2Oxygen toxicity and hyperventilation create a systemic deficiency of carbon dioxide 1 0 2Carbon dioxide inhibits the production of lactic acid, and lactic acid lowers carbon dioxide's concentration in a variety of ways 1 0 2When carbon dioxide production is low due to hypothyroidism, there will usually be some lactate entering the blood even at rest 1 0 2The excess production of lactate displaces carbon dioxide from the blood, partly as a compensation for acidity 1 0 2The loss of carbon dioxide from the lungs in the presence of high oxygen pressure increases the blood’s affinity for oxygen, and restricts its delivery to the tissues 1 0 2Sugar, salt, and carbon dioxide are layers of control in the body 1 0 2