If rats are not treated during pregnancy to increase the amount of progesterone, the offspring do not have bigger brains and do not learn more efficiently
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The absence of bright light can create a progesterone deficiency and leave estrogen and prolactin unopposed 1 0 2Thyroid normalizes hormones, increasing progesterone and decreasing estrogen, which are needed for full-term gestation 1 0 1Progesterone and pregnenolone, by reducing the stress reactions, should be helpful in the eye diseases of infancy and old age, as they are in the respiratory distress syndromes 1 0 1Factors known to reduce brain size at birth are also involved in the degenerating brain in old age or Alzheimer's disease 1 0 2If rats are given a stimulating environment, each generation gets a slightly bigger, more intelligent brain 1 0 2If rats are treated during pregnancy to increase the amount of progesterone, the offspring have bigger brains and learn more efficiently 1 0 2All factors that affect the brain of a fetus should be examined in relation to the aging brain 1 0 2Even medical progestogens offer some protection against Alzheimer's disease 1 0 2Progesterone is a nerve growth factor, produced by glial cells 1 0 2Pregnenolone and progesterone deficiency causes memory loss, destabilization of nerve cells, failure of myelin formation, and excess cortisol synthesis 1 0 2