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Estrogen was found to be an important cause of degenerative bone disease, as well as kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, etc

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Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility 1 0 2Unpleasant consequences of estrogen excess resemble some events of aging 1 0 2Certain effects of estrogen resemble changes seen in aging such as fibrotic changes of connective tissues, accelerated accumulation of age pigment, a tendency to miscarry, or the production of degenerative changes in various organs 1 0 2The absolute levels of estrogen, or the ratio of estrogen to the antiestrogens, increases with aging in a wide variety of organisms of both sexes, including humans 1 0 2Claims about estrogen curing osteoporosis had been debunked by the 1970s 1 0 2All maladies caused by estrogen excess develop in the same way that it interferes with pregnancy, by driving the tissue to require more energy and oxygen than can be delivered to it 1 0 2Estrogen is closely associated with the general loss of fat-free tissue with aging 1 0 2Estrogen plays a role in organisms as diverse as yeasts, worms, mollusks, and in modifying the function of practically every type of animal cell--skin, nerve, muscle, bone, hair, gland, etc 1 0 2Estrogen affects our energetics and structure, and how those processes relate to aging, atrophy, cancerization, etc 1 0 2Control systems are now clear enough to begin reversing degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia, epileptic dementia, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, hypertension, hardening of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, some types of tumor, immunodeficiencies, reflex problems, and special atrophic problems 1 0 2