The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets does not govern the way that tissue functions
Negation: The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets governs the way that tissue functions 1 0 2
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The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets governs the way that tissue functions 1 0 2In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity 1 0 2In good health, an animal's systems are designed so that certain tissues will be briefly stimulated by estrogen 1 0 2Stimulation by estrogen doesn't produce the normal amount of carbon dioxide, leading to tissue experiencing oxygen deprivation, swelling, and cell division 1 0 2The eyes and lungs are sensitive tissues that can be easily harmed by inappropriate environmental exposure 1 0 2Breathing pure oxygen lowers the oxygen content of tissues 1 0 2Respiratory physiology holds the key to the special functions of all the organs and to many of their basic pathological changes 1 0 2Lactic acid triggers the defensive reactions of the organism, leading to tissue wasting from excessive glucocorticoid hormone 1 0 2The human body is a dynamic interaction of cellular trophic influences which govern both form and function 1 0 2The saturated fats seem to have no "signalling" functions 1 0 2