Abortions in the case of rape or incest produce two wrongs
2 Arguments
0 Citations
1 Consequence
0 Mentions
Argument #56968665 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Abortion is immoral 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Abortions in the case of rape or incest produce two wrongs 0 0 0Argument #663a523a 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Abortion is immoral 1 0 2and
Rape and incest are immoral 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Abortions in the case of rape or incest produce two wrongs 0 0 0Opposing Arguments
No opposing arguments found
No citations found
Argument #ff31e365 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Two wrongs don't make a right 0 0 1and
Abortions in the case of rape or incest produce two wrongs 0 0 0Then it must be true that...
Abortions in the case of rape or incest are immoral 0 0 0Mentions
No mentions found
Related Propositions
Rape and incest are wrong 0 0 1Rape and incest are immoral 0 0 1Abortion is wrong 0 0 1Abortion doesn't become right in cases of rape and incest 0 0 1Abortions in cases of rape and incest are abortions 0 0 1Abortion does not become right when combined with rape or incest 0 0 1Abortions in cases of rape and incest are the murder of a fetus 0 0 1Abortion does not become right when combined with another wrong 0 0 1Abortion in cases of rape and incest is not right 0 0 1Abortion in cases of rape and incest is immoral 0 0 1