Addressing important issues in present-day society requires an understanding of transcendental truths
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Argument #0b9a11cb 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Addressing important issues in present-day society requires an understanding of transcendental truths 0 0 0and
Important issues in present-day society can only be effectively addressed with a deep understanding of their underlying principles 0 0 0Then it must be true that...
Addressing important issues in present-day society requires a deep understanding of their underlying principles 0 0 0Mentions
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Related Propositions
There are eternal truths such as freedom and justice that are common to all states of society 1 0 2Moral reality exists in the same way as physical and mathematical reality 1 0 2Truth is transcendental 0 0 1We can understand reality by understanding truth 0 0 1People have a fundamental desire to seek truth 0 0 1Modern culture asserts that objective truth is scientific truth 0 0 1Modern culture asserts that objective truth is value-free 0 0 1The human experience of meaning, purpose, and longing for the transcendent aligns with the Christian narrative of a purposeful creation by God 0 0 1Broad access to diverse opinions is the foundation for truth-seeking 0 0 1It's important to enrich public discourse on questions both timely and timeless 0 0 1