Independence is defined by the absence of reliance on external factors
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In bourgeois society, capital is independent and has individuality while the living person is dependent and has no individuality 1 0 2Independent-mindedness is more a matter of nature than nurture 1 0 2Independent-mindedness comprises truthfulness, resistance to external influence, and curiosity 1 0 2These components of independent-mindedness can substitute for each other to varying degrees 1 0 2Startup founders can maintain independent-mindedness in their teams by consciously hiring independent-minded individuals 1 0 2An independent-minded person's commitment to truth does not preclude dishonesty, but it prevents self-delusion 1 0 2The creation of founders depends on having ambitious, intelligent individuals in one location and giving them the freedom and time to experiment with and explore ideas 1 0 2Interconnected but independent powers follow their own rational self-interest 1 0 2As we increasingly rely on technology, particularly through cognitive offloading to AI-driven systems, our autonomy faces profound new challenges that demand philosophical and technological responses 0 0 1True autonomy involves both external freedom from control and the internal freedom to develop and exercise our capacities fully 0 0 1