Individuals have distinct and independent existence and possess internal mechanisms
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Every human being possesses an individual soul 1 0 2In bourgeois society, capital is independent and has individuality while the living person is dependent and has no individuality 1 0 2The species, as predicated of the individual, signify everything that is in the individual essentially, although it signifies this indistinctly 1 0 2Human nature has in the intellect existence abstracted from all individuals 1 0 2Existence is something other than the essence or quiddity, unless there is something whose quiddity is its very own existence 1 0 2In every other thing, the thing's existence is one thing, and its essence or quiddity or nature or form is another 1 0 2In created intellectual substances, existence is other than essence 1 0 2Information can reveal aspects of the world, including the principles that determine what will exist and what will not exist 1 0 2Independent-mindedness comprises truthfulness, resistance to external influence, and curiosity 1 0 2True autonomy involves both external freedom from control and the internal freedom to develop and exercise our capacities fully 0 0 1