The truthfulness of any media is limited by the truthfulness of its sources
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The media can distort the narrative by focusing on irrelevant aspects 1 0 2We can understand reality by understanding truth 0 0 1Truth can be complicated 0 0 1The source of funds for a study can affect its accuracy 0 0 1Synthetic media cannot be any more true than its sources 0 0 1Synthetic media cannot add value to its true sources 0 0 1At the edge of their citation graph, determined fabricators are forced to either make up the claim without citation/sourcing or risk a miscitation by misattributing it to an innocent real source 0 0 1Synthetic media has no truth or semantics to begin with 0 0 1Watermarking generated media with an error-ensuring code would fail to preserve the its truth or semantics 0 0 1Broad access to diverse opinions is the foundation for truth-seeking 0 0 1