Baptism confers the grace of justification
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Baptism forgives all sins 1 0 2The sinner can and must prepare himself by the help of actual grace for the reception of the grace by which he is justified 1 0 2All the sacraments of the New Covenant confer sanctifying grace on the receivers 1 0 2Baptism is a true sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ 1 0 2Baptism effects the remission of all punishments of sin, both the eternal and the temporal 1 0 2Baptism by water (Baptismus Fluminis) is, since the promulgation of the Gospel, necessary for all men without exception, for salvation 1 0 2The baptism of young children is valid and licit 1 0 2The church has received from Christ the power of remitting sins committed after baptism 1 0 2The Sacrament of Penance is necessary for salvation to those who, after Baptism, fall into grievous sin 1 0 2The Sacrament of Order confers sanctifying grace on the recipient 1 0 2