Economic growth does not frequently gravitate towards coastal hubs
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The difference between cities is a matter of degree 1 0 2All other things being equal, the more of a startup hub a place is, the better startups will do there 1 0 2West coast investors are confident enough of their judgement to act boldly; east coast investors, not so much 1 0 1Startup hubs are also markets and markets are usually centralized 1 0 2The environment can be supportive, but it can also divert development from an optimal course 1 0 3Economic growth frequently gravitates towards coastal hubs 1 0 2Heartland cities need to accommodate every type of investor in the ecosystem to compete for high-growth, high-margin technology companies 1 0 2A region's investor-base is typically determined by its most recent economic boom 1 0 2If a region's economic boom did not involve tech financing, the investors in that region are unlikely to understand tech financing 1 0 2The funnel model, which prioritizes global impact, may not result in local improvement due to resource and knowledge constraints 1 0 2