The difference between cities is a matter of degree
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Paul Graham/Why to Move to a Startup Hub
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For new ideas to matter, a certain degree of civil order is needed 1 0 2All other things being equal, the more of a startup hub a place is, the better startups will do there 1 0 2National differences and antagonism between peoples are daily more vanishing due to the development of the bourgeoisie, freedom of commerce, the world market, uniformity in production and corresponding conditions of life 1 0 2The difference is taken from the form as signifying the whole 1 0 2Rationality is not the difference but the principle of the difference 1 0 2Differences of accidents can sometimes be taken from their effects 1 0 2Objects have properties to varying degrees 0 0 1Critics of charter cities commit a nirvana fallacy by worrying about them becoming playgrounds for the rich and powerful, ignoring the reality where the rich and powerful already control many existing institutions 1 0 2Economic growth frequently gravitates towards coastal hubs 1 0 2Heartland cities need to accommodate every type of investor in the ecosystem to compete for high-growth, high-margin technology companies 1 0 2