Full-time founders should receive equal or nearly equal shares of equity
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A startup that succeeds usually makes its founders rich 1 0 2In a technology startup, the founders should include technical people 1 0 1Maximizing a startup's chances of success is more important than retaining a large amount of stock 1 0 2If you have multiple founders, pick one to handle fundraising so the other(s) can keep working on the company 1 0 2The CEO should be the most formidable of the founders 1 0 2Even if there are still one or more founders focusing on the company during fundraising, growth will slow 1 0 2Full-time founders who leave their current employment for the company should receive significantly more equity than those who remain in academia 1 0 2Academic founders need to adapt to a different incentive structure in startups 1 0 2VCs and C-level execs often lack understanding of how founders should run companies 0 0 2Some delegation is necessary for founders running large companies 0 0 2