The Quran asserts that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed
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Argument #f35a8033 1 0 2
If it is true that...
The Quran asserts that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Historical evidence contradicts the Quran's claim that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed 1 0 2Mentions
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Related Propositions
Jesus Christ was resurrected 2 0 5Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontius Pilate 1 0 2Jesus Christ suffered death and was buried 1 0 2Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontius Pilate for our sake 1 0 2Christ was crucified by the Roman government 1 0 2The quran suggests that the gospel message was corrupted and Jesus was a muslim prophet, not divine 1 0 2Historical and textual evidence contradicts the Quran's argument about the gospel message 1 0 2Historical evidence contradicts the Quran's claim that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed 1 0 2Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross 0 0 1It would have been a great argument for contemporary anti-Christians to claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1