If God does not exist, then living in a system of relativism does not make sense
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God exists 1 0 5God is absolute ontological Goodness in Himself and in relation to others 1 0 2God exists so truly, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist 1 0 2God does not exist in place or time, but all things exist in him 1 0 2Without objective truth and objective goodness, a moral system cannot stand on its own 1 0 2If God does not exist, we live in a relativistic system 1 0 2Valuing truth, reason, evidence, and argument necessitates belief in the existence of God 1 0 2If objective morality doesn't exist, there's no right way to live our lives 0 0 1If God exists, Christianity must be true 0 0 1If the naturalistic explanations for the universe are not true, it is likely there was a creator 0 0 1