The universe exploded into being with incredible precision
1 Argument
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1 Consequence
2 Mentions
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Argument #c6080953 0 0 0
If it is true that...
The universe exploded into being with incredible precision 1 0 2and
If one changes the gravitational force by one part in ten to the 40th power, the universe as we know would not exist 1 0 2and
If you move the axial tilt of the earth one part in millions, life is not supported 1 0 2and
If the orbit of Jupiter is slightly different, Earth would be constantly bombarded by space-junk and life as we know it wouldn't exist 0 0 0Then it must be true that...
There exists something beyond our understanding of natural laws that must be at play in the universe 0 0 0Mentions
Related Propositions
The Universe began to exist 1 0 4The universe had a cause 1 0 3The universe must have a cause 1 0 2The universe came into existence with space and time together 1 0 2The universe and time itself had a beginning at the big bang 1 0 2The universe exhibits complex and purposeful design 0 0 1The universe has a designer 0 0 1The precise constants and quantities in physics that allow for life suggest intentional calibration 0 0 1An intentional calibration of the universe implies a designer 0 0 1The universe has a creator 0 0 1