Every polemic against Christianity assumes that the tune is empty
1 Argument
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Argument #3792fd05 0 0 0
If it is true that...
Jesus Christ existed as a man and was crucified by the Roman government under Pontius Pilate 0 0 0and
Christ was buried in a tomb above the ground 1 0 2and
Many of those who claimed to have seen the risen Christ were willing to die for their belief 0 0 0and
Christ was claimed to have been seen by many of his disciples up to 500 after his resurrection 0 0 0Then it must be true that...
Every polemic against Christianity assumes that the tune is empty 0 0 0Opposing Arguments
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Related Propositions
Without objective truth and objective goodness, a moral system cannot stand on its own 1 0 2Christ is the truth 1 0 2Jesus Christ was not the product of a conglomeration of pagan myths 0 0 1Modern culture asserts that objective truth is value-free 0 0 1Christianity is true 0 0 1If God exists, Christianity must be true 0 0 1The human experience of meaning, purpose, and longing for the transcendent aligns with the Christian narrative of a purposeful creation by God 0 0 1We lack any contemporary anti-Christian sources that claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1It would have been a great argument for contemporary anti-Christians to claim that Jesus never existed 0 0 1There existed many contemporary anti-Christians 0 0 1