The embryo's brain development is an example of the ways genes interact with the environment
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Changes of aging are also the result of complex interactions between organisms and their environment rather than some genetic program 1 0 2The organism runs according to a genetically determined "clock" located in certain cells in a specific area of the brain 1 0 2If rats are given a stimulating environment, each generation gets a slightly bigger, more intelligent brain 1 0 2If rats are treated during pregnancy to increase the amount of progesterone, the offspring have bigger brains and learn more efficiently 1 0 2The size, complexity, and intelligence of the brain represents a very large part of the "information" contained in the organism 1 0 2Alzheimer's disease is analogous to the situation confronted by the developing chicken embryo or the rat or human fetus, when the environment is unable to meet the needs of highly energetic, demanding and sensitive brain cells 1 0 2The structure of the brain is determined at an early point in life 0 0 2Brain cells are in a vital developmental process at all times 1 0 2All factors that affect the brain of a fetus should be examined in relation to the aging brain 1 0 2The environment can be supportive, but it can also divert development from an optimal course 1 0 3