Darkness increases TSH along with prolactin
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Estrogen causes growth hormone to increase 1 0 2Darkness creates an inflammatory state 1 0 2Melatonin and prolactin are induced by stress 1 0 2Darkness is a stress because it impairs mitochondrial energy production 1 0 2The absence of bright light can create a progesterone deficiency and leave estrogen and prolactin unopposed 1 0 2Prolactin is sometimes elevated in the newborn 1 0 2The nocturnal/stress hormones, especially prolactin and melatonin, make the retina more sensitive to light and more easily damaged 1 0 2The pituitary hormones, especially prolactin and TSH, are pro-inflammatory 1 0 1To compensate for a light deficiency, the pituitary should be well-suppressed by adequate thyroid 1 0 1Limiting water intake or using salt generously helps to inhibit prolactin secretion 1 0 1