The differences of color are caused by the abundance or paucity of light
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St Thomas Aquinas/On Being and Essence
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Similarly, the difference also signifies the whole and does not signify the form alone 1 0 2Separate substances vary according to their grade of potency and act 1 0 2Concentrative and diffusive are called the differences of color 1 0 2Different species of color are caused by the abundance or paucity of light 1 0 2Light's action directly on the cells helps them to prevent swelling 1 0 2Visible light is biochemically active 1 0 2The retina responds to ordinary light 1 0 2The absence of bright light can create a progesterone deficiency and leave estrogen and prolactin unopposed 1 0 2Light and stress, especially with excess iron, damage the retina when the cells contain too much PUFA 1 0 2In exchange for the loss of color, cats appear much more attuned to shapes 0 0 1