The individuation of the human soul does not depend on the body for its inception or its end
Negation: The individuation of the human soul depends on the body for its inception but not for its end 1 0 2
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Man consists of two essential parts–a material body and a spiritual soul 1 0 2The rational soul is per se the essential form of the body 1 0 2Every human being possesses an individual soul 1 0 2Christ assumed not only a body but also a rational soul 1 0 2After his death, Christ's soul, which was separated from his body, descended into the underworld 1 0 2The human soul holds the lowest place among intellectual substances 1 0 2The human soul has the most potency among intellectual substances 1 0 2Material things participate in the existence of the human soul 1 0 2The individuation of the human soul depends on the body for its inception but not for its end 1 0 2Human identity is not tied to a central, indivisible entity 1 0 2