The communist revolution is not the most radical rupture with traditional property relations
Negation: The communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional property relations 1 0 2
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The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production and thereby the relations of production and the whole relations of society 1 0 2Communists represent the interests of the proletarian movement as a whole 1 0 2All property relations have been subject to historical change consequent upon change in historical conditions 1 0 2Modern bourgeois private property is based on class antagonisms and exploitation of many by few 1 0 2Communism aims at abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of one's own labour 1 0 2Labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent into a social power capable of being monopolised when individual property can no longer be transformed into bourgeois property 1 0 2The abolition of private property is intended by communists 1 0 2The communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional property relations 1 0 2The communists turn their attention chiefly to Germany because it is on the eve of a bourgeois revolution that will be followed by a proletarian revolution 1 0 2Communists support every revolutionary movement against existing social and political orders 1 0 2