Some investors may not lack numeracy skills or believe they can predict startup outcomes
Negation: Some investors may lack numeracy skills or believe they cannot predict startup outcomes 1 0 2
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Many startups raise large amounts of capital with meaningless metrics 1 0 1Startups often require funding from investors 1 0 2The value of a company is not determined rationally but is essentially a bet on its future success 1 0 2Investors are more interested in the people behind a startup than the ideas themselves 1 0 2The behavior of investors is often opaque to founders 1 0 2Investors are pinched between two kinds of fear: fear of investing in startups that fizzle, and fear of missing out on startups that take off 1 0 2The amount a startup should raise depends on the startup's needs, not on the amount investors are willing to invest 1 0 2Underestimating the amount you hope to raise sends useful signals to investors 1 0 2Investors cannot precisely estimate minimum capital needs 1 0 2Some investors may lack numeracy skills or believe they cannot predict startup outcomes 1 0 2