The real test of a startup's success is revenue, not fundraising
1 Argument
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Argument #e4bf83ec 1 0 2
If it is true that...
A startup will be in a much stronger position if it can make it to profitability without raising any additional money 1 0 2and
The real test of a startup's success is revenue, not fundraising 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Fundraising is not what will make your company successful 1 0 2Mentions
Paul Graham/How to Raise Money
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Related Propositions
Many startups raise large amounts of capital with meaningless metrics 1 0 1Building something users love and spending less than you make is key to startup success 1 0 2Startups that raise money usually do it more than once 1 0 1A high proportion of successful startups raise money 1 0 2The amount a startup should raise depends on the startup's needs, not on the amount investors are willing to invest 1 0 2A startup will be in a much stronger position if it can make it to profitability without raising any additional money 1 0 2Fundraising usually takes off fast for the startups that are most successful at it 1 0 2Fundraising is not what will make your company successful 1 0 2It is possible to raise too much money in startup fundraising 1 0 2Fundraising is not what will make you successful, it's just a means to an end 1 0 2