A startup that succeeds does not necessarily make its founders rich
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Argument #9e252896 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Three things are needed to create a successful startup: starting with good people, making something customers want, and spending as little money as possible 1 0 2and
The founders of a startup need to include at least one person who can focus on what customers want 1 0 2and
Spending money slowly encourages a culture of cheapness 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
A startup that succeeds usually makes its founders rich 1 0 2Argument #aab27ab1 1 0 2
If it is true that...
The valuation of a startup is not just the value of its current assets, but also its ideas and potential future work 1 0 2and
The value of a company is not determined rationally but is essentially a bet on its future success 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
A startup that succeeds usually makes its founders rich 1 0 2Argument #ae697ab5 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Maximizing a startup's chances of success is more important than retaining a large amount of stock 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
A startup that succeeds usually makes its founders rich 1 0 2Citations
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Related Propositions
Successful startup founders tend to be good people 1 0 2The richest startup founders are not driven by money 1 0 2A startup that succeeds usually makes its founders rich 1 0 2In a technology startup, the founders should include technical people 1 0 1Maximizing a startup's chances of success is more important than retaining a large amount of stock 1 0 2Building something users love and spending less than you make is key to startup success 1 0 2A high proportion of successful startups raise money 1 0 2The real test of a startup's success is revenue, not fundraising 1 0 2Even if there are still one or more founders focusing on the company during fundraising, growth will slow 1 0 2Academic founders need to adapt to a different incentive structure in startups 1 0 2