The simplest thing that could possibly work does not often work
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Argument #0523006d 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Trying lots of things will mean trying lots of things that don't work 1 0 2and
Great things are often made in successive versions 1 0 2and
Starting with something small and evolving it can lead to great outcomes 1 0 2and
Making successive versions is useful when creating something for people 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
The simplest thing that could possibly work often does 1 0 2Citations
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Related Propositions
Laborious solutions often have more prestige in the short term 1 0 2New ideas often seem obvious once they are seen, but require changing the way one looks at the world to be discovered 1 0 2Overlooked ideas can be discovered by working from what's obscuring them 1 0 2Trying lots of things will mean trying lots of things that don't work 1 0 2The simplest thing that could possibly work often does 1 0 2New discoveries often have to be conceived initially as variations of existing things 1 0 2Knowledge of simple things should be acquired from composite ones 0 0 2Concepts used in everyday life are fuzzy and can break down under scrutiny 1 0 2In certain fields, ideas need to be both correct and novel 1 0 2Some types of work only require correctness, not novelty 1 0 2