Laborious solutions often have more prestige in the short term
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2 Mentions
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Argument #17eb23e7 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Laborious solutions often have more prestige in the short term 1 0 2and
The best work often seems like it took little effort because it was already there 1 0 2and
Great work often serves as a foundation for others to build upon 1 0 2and
Expressing ideas in their most general form makes them truer than intended 1 0 2and
Great ideas must be both true and new 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Originality is not a process, but a habit of mind 1 0 2Mentions
Paul Graham/How To Do Great Work
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Related Propositions
Interest in a subject can drive one to work harder than diligence alone 1 0 2Pretentiousness, fashion, fear, money, politics, and other people's wishes can lead one astray when trying to figure out what to work on 1 0 2Working hard on ambitious projects may be sufficient for doing great work 1 0 2Spending an unreasonable amount of time on a problem can lead to great work if one finds the work engaging 1 0 2New ideas often seem obvious once they are seen, but require changing the way one looks at the world to be discovered 1 0 2Originality in choosing problems is more important than originality in solving them 1 0 2Theoretical knowledge is prestigious because knowledge is power 1 0 2In certain fields, ideas need to be both correct and novel 1 0 2Some types of work only require correctness, not novelty 1 0 2Startups do not inherently reward novelty or difficulty of work 1 0 2