Cultivating taste in one's field of work is important for aiming for the best
1 Argument
0 Citations
2 Consequences
2 Mentions
Argument #396f4940 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Working in a distinctive style without trying to is a sign of authenticity 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Cultivating taste in one's field of work is important for aiming for the best 1 0 2Opposing Arguments
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Argument #f29df651 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Cultivating taste in one's field of work is important for aiming for the best 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Trying to be the best can be exciting and simplifying 1 0 2Mentions
Paul Graham/How To Do Great Work
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Related Propositions
The work one chooses should be something they have a natural aptitude for, deep interest in, and offers scope to do great work 1 0 2Excited curiosity can drive great work and guide one's focus 1 0 2Interest in a subject can drive one to work harder than diligence alone 1 0 2The process of figuring out what to work on can be complicated and requires experience in the field 1 0 2Being curious and trying many things can increase the chance of discovering what one wants to work on 1 0 2Pretentiousness, fashion, fear, money, politics, and other people's wishes can lead one astray when trying to figure out what to work on 1 0 2Working hard on ambitious projects may be sufficient for doing great work 1 0 2Good work is often referred to as "beautiful" in various fields 1 0 2Understanding a field thoroughly is necessary to identify what requires improvement 1 0 2The formula for excellent work involves having exacting taste and the ability to satisfy it 1 0 2