Procrastination can be dangerous, especially when it camouflages itself as work
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Argument #2fc28d52 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Procrastination can be dangerous, especially when it camouflages itself as work 1 0 2and
Procrastination can cause significant damage over several years 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Getting paid for doing exactly what you want is usually not possible, especially early on 1 0 2Mentions
Paul Graham/How To Do Great Work
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Related Propositions
Inaction is a particularly insidious type of risk 1 0 2Interest in a subject can drive one to work harder than diligence alone 1 0 2Pretentiousness, fashion, fear, money, politics, and other people's wishes can lead one astray when trying to figure out what to work on 1 0 2Working hard on ambitious projects may be sufficient for doing great work 1 0 2Finishing a project can lead to significant work and discoveries in the final stages 1 0 2Spending an unreasonable amount of time on a problem can lead to great work if one finds the work engaging 1 0 2Overlooked ideas can be discovered by working from what's obscuring them 1 0 2The importance of a task is often hard to judge at the time it is done 1 0 2Procrastination can cause significant damage over several years 1 0 2The work of prose-construction is often dodged by using dying metaphors, operators or verbal false limbs, pretentious diction, and meaningless words 1 0 2