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119 propositions

113 inferences



Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on


If it is true that...

New ideas often come from noticing anomalies in everyday life


Finding something to work on involves coevolving with the problem

Then it must be true that...

Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on


If it is true that...

Being curious and trying many things can increase the chance of discovering what one wants to work on


Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on

Then it must be true that...

Being curious and trying many things can increase the chance of discovering what one wants to work on

If it is true that...

Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on


Making things for an audience perceived as less sophisticated can be detrimental to achieving great work

Then it must be true that...

Procrastination can cause significant damage over several years