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119 propositions

113 inferences



Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible


If it is true that...

Great work is consistent with itself

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work


Fear and modesty prevent many people from attempting great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Mathematical elegance is a useful standard beyond math

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Working too hard can lead to diminishing returns due to fatigue


Starting work can be more difficult than continuing it

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Building something that enables people to bypass intermediaries and engage directly with their audience is generally beneficial

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Spending an unreasonable amount of time on a problem can lead to great work if one finds the work engaging


Underestimating the cumulative effect of work can lead to surprise at how far one has come

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Cutting unnecessary elements can lead to a more concentrated and understood result

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Great work often contains elements of strangeness

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Pretentiousness, fashion, fear, money, politics, and other people's wishes can lead one astray when trying to figure out what to work on


Fear and modesty prevent many people from attempting great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Great work involves the combination of ability, interest, and effort

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

Great work often serves as a foundation for others to build upon

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible


If it is true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

Then it must be true that...

The importance of a task is often hard to judge at the time it is done

If it is true that...

Fear and modesty prevent many people from attempting great work


Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

Then it must be true that...

The importance of a task is often hard to judge at the time it is done