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119 propositions

113 inferences



There are numerous ways to do great work


If it is true that...

Being curious and trying many things can increase the chance of discovering what one wants to work on


Curious people are more likely to find the right thing to work on

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Curiosity, delight, and the desire to impress are powerful motivators


Following one's interests often requires overcoming obstacles and taking risks

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Great work involves the combination of ability, interest, and effort


Luck cannot be controlled in the process of doing great work

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

A field should become increasingly interesting as one learns more about it


Having unique interests can lead to productivity and discovery of new things

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Gaining knowledge about a subject can reveal gaps in understanding


Creating something that people want is important when making something for others

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Work that compounds can lead to exponential growth


Undirected thinking can solve problems that cannot be solved by direct approach

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Finishing a project can lead to significant work and discoveries in the final stages

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

If it is true that...

Discoveries often come from noticing connections between different fields

Then it must be true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work


If it is true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work


Fear and modesty prevent many people from attempting great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible

If it is true that...

There are numerous ways to do great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves expanding people's ideas of what's possible