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119 propositions

113 inferences



Hard work is required to do great things


If it is true that...

Developing a habit of working on personal projects can lead to great work

Then it must be true that...

Hard work is required to do great things

If it is true that...

Working on something exciting is not always straightforward and requires techniques similar to sailing


Starting work can be more difficult than continuing it

Then it must be true that...

Hard work is required to do great things

If it is true that...

Willingness to redo work can lead to better results

Then it must be true that...

Hard work is required to do great things

If it is true that...

Starting work can be more difficult than continuing it


Finishing a project can lead to significant work and discoveries in the final stages

Then it must be true that...

Hard work is required to do great things


If it is true that...

Hard work is required to do great things

Then it must be true that...

Underestimating the cumulative effect of work can lead to surprise at how far one has come

If it is true that...

Hard work is required to do great things


Curiosity, delight, and the desire to impress are powerful motivators


Working hard on ambitious projects may be sufficient for doing great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves the combination of ability, interest, and effort

If it is true that...

Hard work is required to do great things

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves the combination of ability, interest, and effort

If it is true that...

Hard work is required to do great things


Working hard on ambitious projects may be sufficient for doing great work

Then it must be true that...

Great work involves the combination of ability, interest, and effort