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69 propositions

65 inferences



Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup


If it is true that...

Fundraising is hard because it's intrinsically difficult to convince people to part with large sums of money


The behavior of investors is often opaque to founders

Then it must be true that...

Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup

If it is true that...

A startup should either be in fundraising mode or not


When raising money, a startup should focus its whole attention on it so it can get done quickly and get back to work

Then it must be true that...

Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup

If it is true that...

When raising money, a startup should focus its whole attention on it so it can get done quickly and get back to work

Then it must be true that...

Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup

If it is true that...

Fundraising is hard because it's intrinsically difficult to convince people to part with large sums of money

Then it must be true that...

Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup


If it is true that...

Rapid growth is what makes a company a startup


Fundraising is distracting and can halt other operations in a startup

Then it must be true that...

A startup should either be in fundraising mode or not