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Updated 09/03/24


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68 propositions

24 inferences



In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity


If it is true that...

Estrogen steals oxygen from mitochondria, shifting patterns of growth and adaptation


The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets governs the way that tissue functions


A cell emits lactic acid and free radicals when it isn't getting everything it needs, such as oxygen and glucose

Then it must be true that...

In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity

Logic Map Content

Key Concepts

Unpleasant consequences of estrogen excess resemble some events of aging

Some hormones decrease with aging, while others increase

Estrogen steals oxygen from mitochondria, shifting patterns of growth and adaptation

The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets governs the way that tissue functions

A cell emits lactic acid and free radicals when it isn't getting everything it needs, such as oxygen and glucose

Estrogen causes growth hormone to increase

In old age, the catabolic hormones such as cortisol are relatively dominant

Even in young women, bone loss occurs almost entirely during the night, when cortisol is high

Stimulation by estrogen doesn't produce the normal amount of carbon dioxide, leading to tissue experiencing oxygen deprivation, swelling, and cell division

The electron transfer process of the mitochondria is interrupted by the futile redox cycling catalyzed by estrogens

In shock, the blood pressure decreases mainly because the blood volume decreases

The low energy of cells causes them to take up water and lose their tone, allowing blood to pool in them instead of returning to the heart

Toxic effects of estrogens were known by the middle of the 20th century

Protein synthesis declines with aging as the metabolic rate slows

Good sleep requires fairly vigorous metabolism and a normal body temperature

In old age, the metabolic rate is decreased and sleep becomes defective

Hormones used in contraceptives were producing cancer in dogs, as well as many other diseases

Claims about estrogen curing osteoporosis had been debunked by the 1970s

Estrogen was found to be an important cause of degenerative bone disease, as well as kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, etc

While estrogen is usually highest at night, progesterone is lowest during the night

The disappearance of water from the blood, as it moves into the tissues during the night, makes sleep resemble a state of shock or inflammation

Thyroid maintains adequate carbon dioxide, improving the blood levels of salt, glucose, and adrenalin

Glucose and salt are used to treat shock

Carbohydrate and salty foods during the night can minimize the stress reaction

Carbohydrate and salty foods lower adrenalin and cortisol, and help to maintain the volume and fluidity of blood

An excessive nocturnal temperature drop probably increases edema, with all of its harmful consequences

Light's action directly on the cells helps them to prevent swelling

Adequate temperature improves sleep

Knowledge of how to protect against estrogen can be used to protect against aging

In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity

Serotonin, which is closely associated with estrogen, seems to be an important inducer of functionally suppressed states such as hibernation, social subordination, learned helplessness and depression

In good health, an animal's systems are designed so that certain tissues will be briefly stimulated by estrogen

Estrogen was identified as a carcinogen in the first half of the 20th century

Certain effects of estrogen resemble changes seen in aging such as fibrotic changes of connective tissues, accelerated accumulation of age pigment, a tendency to miscarry, or the production of degenerative changes in various organs

The absolute levels of estrogen, or the ratio of estrogen to the antiestrogens, increases with aging in a wide variety of organisms of both sexes, including humans

All maladies caused by estrogen excess develop in the same way that it interferes with pregnancy, by driving the tissue to require more energy and oxygen than can be delivered to it

Estrogen is closely associated with the general loss of fat-free tissue with aging

Estrogen creates an oxygen deficiency, stimulates first swelling, and then collagen synthesis

Collagen tends to accumulate with aging

Estrogen increases the blood flow to particular organs, but apparently less than it increases their oxygen demand

Estrogen's stimulation of non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption with the production of lactic acid stimulates blood vessel formation

Estrogen excess prevents the increase of stroke volume as the speed increases, but progesterone increases the stroke volume as the heart accelerates

Estrogen causes cells to take up water and calcium

The formation of lactic acid tends to coordinate these effects

Hyperventilation is common in sleep and shock, sometimes producing extreme vasoconstriction due to the loss of carbon dioxide

Temperature falls during sleep

Hypothermia during surgery exacerbates the edema produced by stress

Hypertonic solutions alleviate the swelling caused by stress

Blocking electron transfer in the mitochondria lowers the energy charge of the cells

Estrogen directly lowers the temperature, while progesterone raises the temperature

Estrogen sets the brain's temperature regulator lower but can also lower the metabolic rate through serotonin and other mediators

Estrogen plays a role in organisms as diverse as yeasts, worms, mollusks, and in modifying the function of practically every type of animal cell--skin, nerve, muscle, bone, hair, gland, etc

Estrogen increases and acts through the inflammatory mediators, serotonin and histamine, to increase vascular leakiness

Many toxic chemicals and stressful physical processes can activate the same functions as estrogen

Changes of aging are also the result of complex interactions between organisms and their environment rather than some genetic program

Removal of an animal's pituitary or its equivalent optic gland in the case of an octopus, radically extends the animal's lifespan

The catabolic, death-inducing hormone is produced by the ovary, under the influence of the optic gland's gonadotropins

Progesterone is both an anticatabolic hormone and an antiestrogenic hormone, protecting the functional systems from atrophy

Estrogen affects our energetics and structure, and how those processes relate to aging, atrophy, cancerization, etc

Progesterone is probably the most perfect antiestrogenic hormone, and therefore an anti-stress and anti-aging hormone

Adjusting many things in our diet and environment can more perfectly oppose the estrogenic and age-accelerating influences

Redox cycles involving NAD/NADH and NADP/NADPH keep electrons from moving beyond ubiquinone and energizing the mitochondria

Estrogen refers to a class of substances that can produce effects similar to estradiol and its metabolites

Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility

Progesterone, by increasing oxidative efficiency, opposes this "angiogenic" (neovascularization) effect of estrogen

Darkness creates an inflammatory state

Fluid from ovarian follicles can produce effects similar to estrogen

Some people argued that aging was caused by hormonal deficiency

Logical Relationships

Estrogen affects our energetics and structure, and how those processes relate to aging, atrophy, cancerization, etc and Progesterone is probably the most perfect antiestrogenic hormone, and therefore an anti-stress and anti-aging hormone implies Adjusting many things in our diet and environment can more perfectly oppose the estrogenic and age-accelerating influences.

Temperature falls during sleep and Hypothermia during surgery exacerbates the edema produced by stress implies Hypertonic solutions alleviate the swelling caused by stress.

Estrogen is closely associated with the general loss of fat-free tissue with aging and Estrogen creates an oxygen deficiency, stimulates first swelling, and then collagen synthesis and Collagen tends to accumulate with aging implies Estrogen increases the blood flow to particular organs, but apparently less than it increases their oxygen demand.

Some people argued that aging was caused by hormonal deficiency and Some hormones decrease with aging, while others increase implies Unpleasant consequences of estrogen excess resemble some events of aging.

Redox cycles involving NAD/NADH and NADP/NADPH keep electrons from moving beyond ubiquinone and energizing the mitochondria and Blocking electron transfer in the mitochondria lowers the energy charge of the cells implies Estrogen directly lowers the temperature, while progesterone raises the temperature.

All maladies caused by estrogen excess develop in the same way that it interferes with pregnancy, by driving the tissue to require more energy and oxygen than can be delivered to it implies Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility.

Estrogen increases and acts through the inflammatory mediators, serotonin and histamine, to increase vascular leakiness and Estrogen causes cells to take up water and calcium and The formation of lactic acid tends to coordinate these effects implies Hyperventilation is common in sleep and shock, sometimes producing extreme vasoconstriction due to the loss of carbon dioxide.

Serotonin, which is closely associated with estrogen, seems to be an important inducer of functionally suppressed states such as hibernation, social subordination, learned helplessness and depression implies In good health, an animal's systems are designed so that certain tissues will be briefly stimulated by estrogen.

Estrogen was identified as a carcinogen in the first half of the 20th century implies Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility.

Estrogen's stimulation of non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption with the production of lactic acid stimulates blood vessel formation and Progesterone, by increasing oxidative efficiency, opposes this "angiogenic" (neovascularization) effect of estrogen implies Estrogen excess prevents the increase of stroke volume as the speed increases, but progesterone increases the stroke volume as the heart accelerates.

Estrogen sets the brain's temperature regulator lower but can also lower the metabolic rate through serotonin and other mediators and Estrogen plays a role in organisms as diverse as yeasts, worms, mollusks, and in modifying the function of practically every type of animal cell--skin, nerve, muscle, bone, hair, gland, etc implies Many toxic chemicals and stressful physical processes can activate the same functions as estrogen.

Changes of aging are also the result of complex interactions between organisms and their environment rather than some genetic program and Removal of an animal's pituitary or its equivalent optic gland in the case of an octopus, radically extends the animal's lifespan and The catabolic, death-inducing hormone is produced by the ovary, under the influence of the optic gland's gonadotropins implies Progesterone is both an anticatabolic hormone and an antiestrogenic hormone, protecting the functional systems from atrophy.

Estrogen steals oxygen from mitochondria, shifting patterns of growth and adaptation and The balance between what a tissue needs and what it gets governs the way that tissue functions and A cell emits lactic acid and free radicals when it isn't getting everything it needs, such as oxygen and glucose implies In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity.

Certain effects of estrogen resemble changes seen in aging such as fibrotic changes of connective tissues, accelerated accumulation of age pigment, a tendency to miscarry, or the production of degenerative changes in various organs implies The absolute levels of estrogen, or the ratio of estrogen to the antiestrogens, increases with aging in a wide variety of organisms of both sexes, including humans.

In old age, the catabolic hormones such as cortisol are relatively dominant and Even in young women, bone loss occurs almost entirely during the night, when cortisol is high implies Estrogen causes growth hormone to increase.

Stimulation by estrogen doesn't produce the normal amount of carbon dioxide, leading to tissue experiencing oxygen deprivation, swelling, and cell division implies Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility.

In shock, the blood pressure decreases mainly because the blood volume decreases and The low energy of cells causes them to take up water and lose their tone, allowing blood to pool in them instead of returning to the heart implies The electron transfer process of the mitochondria is interrupted by the futile redox cycling catalyzed by estrogens.

Toxic effects of estrogens were known by the middle of the 20th century implies Estrogen can cause cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility.

Good sleep requires fairly vigorous metabolism and a normal body temperature and In old age, the metabolic rate is decreased and sleep becomes defective implies Protein synthesis declines with aging as the metabolic rate slows.

Claims about estrogen curing osteoporosis had been debunked by the 1970s and Estrogen was found to be an important cause of degenerative bone disease, as well as kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, etc implies Hormones used in contraceptives were producing cancer in dogs, as well as many other diseases.

While estrogen is usually highest at night, progesterone is lowest during the night and The disappearance of water from the blood, as it moves into the tissues during the night, makes sleep resemble a state of shock or inflammation implies Darkness creates an inflammatory state.

Glucose and salt are used to treat shock and Carbohydrate and salty foods during the night can minimize the stress reaction and Carbohydrate and salty foods lower adrenalin and cortisol, and help to maintain the volume and fluidity of blood implies Thyroid maintains adequate carbon dioxide, improving the blood levels of salt, glucose, and adrenalin.

Light's action directly on the cells helps them to prevent swelling and Adequate temperature improves sleep implies An excessive nocturnal temperature drop probably increases edema, with all of its harmful consequences.

Knowledge of how to protect against estrogen can be used to protect against aging implies Unpleasant consequences of estrogen excess resemble some events of aging.

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