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119 propositions
86 inferences
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
If it is true that...
The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises make the wages of the workers fluctuating
The increasing improvement of machinery makes the livelihood of workers precarious
Then it must be true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
If it is true that...
Due to the extensive use of machinery and division of labor, the work of proletarians has lost all individual character
Machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour and reduces wages to the same low level
The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises make the wages of the workers fluctuating
The increasing improvement of machinery makes the livelihood of workers precarious
Then it must be true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
If it is true that...
Due to the extensive use of machinery and division of labor, the work of proletarians has lost all individual character
Modern industry has converted the small workshop into the great factory of the industrial capitalist
Machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour and reduces wages to the same low level
The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises make the wages of the workers fluctuating
The increasing improvement of machinery makes the livelihood of workers precarious
Then it must be true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
If it is true that...
With the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number but also becomes concentrated in greater masses and feels its strength more
Machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour and reduces wages to the same low level
The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises make the wages of the workers fluctuating
The increasing improvement of machinery makes the livelihood of workers precarious
Then it must be true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
If it is true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
Then it must be true that...
Workers form combinations against the bourgeois to keep up the rate of wages
If it is true that...
With its birth, the proletariat begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie
With the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number but also becomes concentrated in greater masses and feels its strength more
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
Workers form combinations against the bourgeois to keep up the rate of wages
Then it must be true that...
Improved means of communication created by modern industry help in centralizing numerous local struggles into one national struggle between classes
If it is true that...
Collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take on the character of collisions between two classes
Workers form combinations against the bourgeois to keep up the rate of wages
Then it must be true that...
Improved means of communication created by modern industry help in centralizing numerous local struggles into one national struggle between classes