Founder mode will likely not break the principle that CEOs should only engage through direct reports
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Founders may increasingly be able to resist turning into managers 1 0 2The CEO should be the most formidable of the founders 1 0 2Founder mode is not well-documented or taught in business schools 0 0 2Founder mode will likely break the principle that CEOs should only engage through direct reports 0 0 2Skip-level meetings will become common in founder mode 0 0 2Steve Jobs' retreats for key employees exemplify founder mode's potential benefits 0 0 2Founder mode will be more complex but more effective than manager mode 0 0 2Successful founders have shown the effectiveness of founder mode 0 0 2Once founder mode is understood, it will be found that some founders were already practicing it 0 0 2Understanding founder mode could significantly improve founders' effectiveness 0 0 2