Parker Pillsbury did support abortion
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Argument #dbd476bb 0 0 1
If it is true that...
Suffragist newspaper "The Revolution" did not endorse foeticide, infanticide, and all similar ills 0 0 1Then it must be true that...
Parker Pillsbury did not support abortion 0 0 1Citations
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Related Propositions
Abortion is immoral 1 0 2Suffragist newspaper "The Revolution" did not endorse foeticide, infanticide, and all similar ills 0 0 1Anthony and Stanton never publicly called for a legal ban on abortion 0 0 1The suffragist newspaper "The Revolution" published an article dealing with the prevalence of abortion under the simple title "Child Murder" 0 0 1Susan B. Anthony did not support abortion 0 0 1Elizabeth Cady Stanton did not support abortion 0 0 1Parker Pillsbury did not support abortion 0 0 1Abortion is wrong 0 0 1Abortions in cases of rape and incest are abortions 0 0 1Abortion does not become right when combined with another wrong 0 0 1