Oppressed people can remain oppressed forever as the urge for freedom may not eventually come
Negation: Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever as the urge for freedom will eventually come 1 0 2
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This opposition results in an uninterrupted fight that ends either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society or in the common ruin of the contending classes 1 0 2Every form of society has been based on antagonism between oppressing and oppressed classes 1 0 2The bourgeoisie is unfit to be the ruling class as it cannot assure an existence to its slave within his slavery 1 0 2Communism deprives no man of power to appropriate products of society but deprives him of power to subjugate labour of others by means of such appropriations 1 0 2There are eternal truths such as freedom and justice that are common to all states of society 1 0 2The more one possesses this power, the more powerful are adversity and perversity against them 0 0 2Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever as the urge for freedom will eventually come 1 0 2Freedom will be achieved because it is the goal of nations and aligns with the eternal will of God 1 0 2Today, our internal freedom to develop and exercise our capacities fully is under threat 0 0 1A governance model that pushes for a particular vision of fairness, or the desire to centralize power, can subtly erode individual freedom of action 0 0 1