Our first parents in Paradise sinned grievously through transgression of the Divine probationary commandment
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Our first parents, before the Fall, were endowed with sanctifying grace 1 0 2Through the sin our first parents lost sanctifying grace and provoked the anger and the indignation of God 1 0 2Our first parents became subject to death and to the dominion of the Devil 1 0 2Adam's sin is transmitted to his posterity, not by imitation, but by descent 1 0 2Original sin is transmitted by natural generation 1 0 2The grace by which we are justified may be lost, and is lost by every grievous mortal, serious sin 1 0 2The Sacrament of Penance is necessary for salvation to those who, after Baptism, fall into grievous sin 1 0 2All human beings subject to original sin are subject to the law of death 1 0 2Man by sin lost the blessedness for which he was made, and found the misery for which he was not made 1 0 2Humanity was dead in sins, but was saved by God's grace 1 0 2