It is not rational to think a single religion is correct
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For any proposition P, if it is not possible for an evil being of supreme power to convince me of P when P is false, then I cannot rationally doubt P 0 0 1I cannot rationally doubt that I am thinking 0 0 1There exists one God 1 0 2God’s existence is not merely an object of natural rational knowledge, but also an object of supernatural faith 1 0 2There is only one God 1 0 3Belief in God is a following of reason, not a leap of faith 1 0 2The existence of a cause beyond matter does not prove any specific religion 0 0 2Humans believe what seems to be true without a better reason to think otherwise 1 0 2Outcomes often resemble conspiracy theories when interconnected but independent powers follow their own rational self-interest 1 0 2If the naturalistic explanations for the universe are not true, it is likely there was a creator 0 0 1