The struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is not initially a national struggle
Negation: The struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is initially a national struggle 1 0 2
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The history of all existing societies is the history of class struggles 1 0 2With its birth, the proletariat begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie 1 0 2The bourgeoisie finds itself in a constant battle with various groups including foreign bourgeoisie 1 0 2The bourgeoisie supplies the proletariat with its own elements of political and general education 1 0 2The struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is initially a national struggle 1 0 2National differences and antagonism between peoples are daily more vanishing due to the development of the bourgeoisie, freedom of commerce, the world market, uniformity in production and corresponding conditions of life 1 0 2The supremacy of the proletariat will cause national differences and antagonisms to vanish faster 1 0 2As class antagonism within a nation vanishes, so will national hostility end 1 0 2The first direct attempts of the proletariat to attain its own ends failed due to the undeveloped state of the proletariat and absence of economic conditions for its emancipation 1 0 2In Germany, communists fight with the bourgeoisie against absolute monarchy, feudal squirearchy, and petty bourgeoisie 1 0 2