The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises do not make the wages of the workers fluctuating
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As industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, so did the bourgeoisie develop and increase its capital 1 0 3Commercial crises put the existence of the entire bourgeois society on trial 1 0 2In these crises, a great part not only of existing products but also previously created productive forces are periodically destroyed 1 0 2The bourgeoisie gets over these crises by enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces and by the conquest of new markets and more thorough exploitation of old ones 1 0 2Machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour and reduces wages to the same low level 1 0 2The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crises make the wages of the workers fluctuating 1 0 2Workers form combinations against the bourgeois to keep up the rate of wages 1 0 2The organization of proletarians into a class is continually upset by competition between the workers themselves 1 0 2The essential condition for existence and sway of bourgeois class is formation and augmentation of capital which rests on wage-labour and competition among labourers 1 0 2National differences and antagonism between peoples are daily more vanishing due to the development of the bourgeoisie, freedom of commerce, the world market, uniformity in production and corresponding conditions of life 1 0 2